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The DSI Community Sustainability is the hub for researchers and interested persons to consider, discuss, and explore the interplay between sustainability and digitalization from inter-, intra-, and transdisciplinary perspectives.

We aim to investigate the multifaceted dimensions of the interplay between digitalization and sustainability. To do so, we engage researchers and experts from diverse disciplines. We focus on normative discussions, conduct empirical research, and implement research findings directly into practice. By collaborating with stakeholders across various sectors, our objective is to derive tangible implications for both theory and real-world applications. We aim to establish a community that advocates for the responsible promotion of sustainable digitalization and digital sustainability.




In order to promote sustainable digitalization and digital sustainability, a comprehensive understanding of these transformation processes is necessary.


The DSI Community Sustainability aims to shed light on, deliberate about and shape the interplay of sustainability and digitalization transformation processes in our society.


In our community, we coordinate activities and outreach in research, teaching, and society to provide clarity, measure impacts, and gather solutions.

Community facts






What questions about digitalization are on your mind? And how has your life changed with the digital transformation? Digitalization is presenting society and science with new challenges. It is taking hold of a large part of our lives at an ever faster pace.

The Digital Society Initiative (DSI) shapes the digital transformation of society and science. With interdisciplinary activities in research, education and outreach, the DSI is the University of Zurich’s (UZH) competence center on digital transformation.

The DSI is a scientific institution supported by all faculties of the UZH, which promotes independent scientific reflection and innovation on questions of digital transformation. It prepares UZH students to help shape the digital transformation, engages in regular discourse with the public and supports policy-making on digital transformation issues.

DSI Community Sustainability

Our vision is a responsible digital society that promotes sustainable digitalization and digital sustainability.

Sustainability and digitalization are key societal transformations for 21st-century prosperity. The Swiss Confederation and the University of Zurich have recognized the strategic importance of both.

Sustainability and digitalization transformation processes are increasingly intertwined, with digitalization offering both sustainability potential and risks if unchecked.

While programmes exist for considering sustainability transformations in research and operations at the UZH level, the interplay between sustainability and digitalization lacks structured attention. The DSI Community Sustainability bridges this gap.

Know more about our work.

To understand the interplay between sustainability and digitalization transformation processes, our members conduct various projects.


Get in touch

Questions, inputs or just want to get to know us? Contact us here.

Membership in the DSI Community Sustainability is open to researchers affiliated with a Swiss university. For other individuals, membership is conditional on an ongoing cooperation with the DSI Community. To become a member of a DSI Community, membership in the DSI Network is required. Please follow this link.